Within the British Isles geographic region, VPS is the representative for DIgSILENT GmbH and its internationally‑leading software and systems, including the integrated power system analysis PowerFactory software.
For more information visit: www.digsilent.de.
DIgSILENT specialises in electrical power system analysis with supporting software and monitoring systems for transmission, distribution, generation, industry and integration of renewable energy. DIgSILENT PowerFactory has set new standards and trends in power system modelling, analysis and simulation for more than 35 years. It is used in more than 150 countries. Functions include real-time simulation and performance monitoring for system testing and supervision.
PowerFactory Areas of Application
Power Transmission
A fast-changing sector where grids are seeing a switch from traditional base-load generation to new sources such as wind and solar. PowerFactory is ideal for studying interconnected power systems and for transmission operation planning.
Power Distribution
PowerFactory provides comprehensive modelling for studying all kinds of electrical networks with different phasing technologies. It has a wide range of functions to improve quality of supply and optimise distribution networks.
Industrial Systems
High precision load flow algorithms, flexible short-circuit calculation features, protection system modelling and harmonic analysis are among the functions offered by PowerFactory. This ensures continuity of production and safety for industrial networks.
Power Generation
Analysis tools include models of generators, motors and protection relays, calculation of short-circuit currents, stability and EMT simulation and modal frequency response to ensure power plant reliability and efficiency.
Distributed Generation
PowerFactory enables the analysis of challenges including reverse power flows, voltage dips and swells. It can also address the issue of forecasting renewable energy generation and the impact of smart grid technologies.
Integrating renewable generation into electrical networks is a key industry activity. PowerFactory provides the tools to undertake a full range of studies required for grid connection, grid impact analysis and fault ride through (G.99) studies for windfarms, solar plants and other renewable energies.
Features Comparison

Base Package
Load flow analysis
Short-circuit analysis
Load flow sensitivities
Basic MV/LV network analysis
Power equipment models
Network representation
Network model management
Network diagrams and graphic features
Results and reporting
Data converter

Advanced Features
Contingency analysis
Quasi-dynamic simulation
Network reduction
Protection functions
Arc-flash analysis
Cable analysis
Power quality and harmonic analysis
Connection request assessment
Transmission network tools
Distribution network tools
Outage planning
Probabilistic Analysis
Reliability Analysis Functions
Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation
Techno-Economical Analysis
State Estimation
Stability Analysis Functions (RMS)
Electromagnetic Transients (EMT)
Motor Starting Functions
Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis)
System Parameter Identification
Scripting and Automation